dennis-muoio's Blog

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Thin Pizzelles for Rainbow Ice Cream Social///3/12/24

I made the thin pizzelle recipe and used the small, 4 cookie iron. I ended up with 14 dozen (168) cookies.

A final note on Thanksgiving 2023


7 bags of Caputo Semolina Flour weighing about 2 pounds each

2 and 1/2 dozen eggs

Olive Oil


 We cooked 3 pounds of hand-cut spaghetti for dinner.

The rest of the pasta was packaged in 8 ounce clam-shell containers for families  to take home and cook later.

Families with small children were given 8 ounce packages of bow-ties.

Mary, Jimmy and Griffin were given specialty containers as noted in the full Thanksgiving 2023 blog.

Thanksgiving 2023

After a bit of back and forth, we (I) decided to have pasta as part of Thanksgiving dinner. We'll be going to the community room of Mary's condo. Jered will make the sauce. David has requested that I make a bit extra for him to take home. (Ask me for some homemade pasta. That's right up my alley)!

Joan and I began the week after we got into town after our fall vacation in Florida. I made 3 full batches (3 cups semolina, 4 eggs, 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil, 1 teaspoon salt). As always, I let the mixed dough sit for 2 or 3 hours to season.

Cookies for Maria's Boat Lunch at the Condos

Joan and I made cookeis for Maria. She goes to the condos by Mary's house on Irondequoit Bay every Tuesday during the summer.

Joan made 2 doz sugar cookies (double recipe from Fanny Farmer).

I made 2 doz Neiman Marcus cookies (half recipe).

Easter Bread and Easter Fritatta--2023

I used the Easter Bread recipe on page 66 of Joan's and my recipes. It was origianly from Rosella Rago(?)

I put the ingredients into the bread machine and let it do the heavy work....


Rainbow RV Resort…1/26/2023

Joan and I made cookies as a give-away (Manager's Suggestion) for the club house show on 1/26////23.

Joan made a full batch of Pizzelles (6 eggs) which yielded 8 doz on the small iron.

She also made a double batch of Chocolate Chips which gave us 10 dozen.

I made a recipe and 1/2 on a large sheet pan of sponge cake, which I cut into squares and frosted, then rolled in coconut. (11 dozen)

I also made a recipe and 1/2 of Georgia's Chocolate Dipped Shortbread Cookies. I used a star cut-out and then dipped them in melted chocolate.

Christmas Cookie—2nd Event—Rainbow RV Resort, Frostproof, FL—12/18/2022

Joan and I have the use of the Clubhouse Kitchen at Rainbow RV Resort in Frostproof FL. It has 2 household stoves, lots of counter top space and a 3 bowl sink for clean-up. Last year (2021) we used the kitchen to make 2 kinds of pasta with 6 friends here. We had scoured flea markets and thrift stores for needed kitchen utensil essentials, even tho it is pretty well stocked. I brought my white Kitchenaid mixer from home, as well as some attachments. (Actually, I"ve set up a nice prep area in our outdoor shed and have been able to make several batches of pasta).

Christmas Cooking Baking....11/21 and 11/22 of 2022

Denielle is here for Thanksgiving week. Tumeca usually comes but had to stay home this year for a visiting cousin.

Denielle mixed the butterballs, but I gave her the wrong directions......I forgot that you have to cream the butter and sugar before adding the other ingredients. When the cookies were in the oven, they lost their shape and went flat, like a drop cookie. They didn't really hold together as they were eaten either.

Christmas Cookie Baking---2022

Margot and Tonya came over on Saturday, 11/19/22


We made butterballs, chocolate meatballs and cornstarch. I had the doughs already made and the girls did the forming and baking. They packaged them up and left a container of each for Joan and I. What a couple of sweethearts!!

All the cookies baked up just fine....I found out that Margot doesn't really like chocolate.

Another recipe that won’t add the regular way (Strawberry Glaze)

1 cup fresh strawberrries, cleaned and mashed.

1 cup sugar

3 Tablespoons cornstarch

3/4 cup water

Optional red food coloring


I doubled this recipe for the June Birthday Birthday cake.  1 1/2 recipes would have been enough.



Mash the berrries and set aside.

In a saucepan, combine sugar and cornstarch.

Stir in water and mashed berries.

Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

Add food coloring if necessary.

Cook and stir for 3 minutes until thick.

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