Not able to see My Recipes
Submitted by rheagrove on May 2, 2022 - 6:05am
I am not able to view My Recipes on the My recipes tab. None of the recipes come up that I have entered.
I am getting this red bar when I am entering in the Forum:
warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home4/corridor/public_html/frc/modules/forum/forum.module on line 219.
Not able to find recipes
I have entered over 200 recipes and the are gone. I see the names of the recipes under cookbook but thats all. I have tried to contact who runs this site, but don't get any replies.
Not able to find recipes
Take heart, they're not gone. If you sign in and then go to the search tab at top, it will show you that recipe. I know it's the long way around, but at least you can still find them.
Not able to see recipes
I just stumbled on another way to get some access to your recipes. Again, it's the long way around, but:
1 Sign in
2 Go to 'My Recipes'. ( nothing will show up)
3 Go to 'Search' and type in the name of a recipe you've entered (and remember)
4 Edit that recipe and mark it as a 'favorite)
From the main , left hand side go to 'My Favorites'.
All the recipes that you marked will appear. At least they're not lost and you don't have to re-enter them.