Rummy Bears

Rummy Bears


Prep Time30 minutes


Aw, how cute, boozy bears! Yes and no. As adorably innocuous as these guys look, be forewarned: they are strong. You will start feeling all giddy after a few, and eventually, they make you go a little crazy. I took these to my friend's birthday party and we all slurped them back like birthday shots. They're not quite a shot's worth each, but almost feel stronger with the sugar factor compounded by the alcohol.


  • 1 see below


Empty a bag of Gummi Bears into a jar or bowl or some other vessel.

And they need not even be bears! Really any member of the Gummi Animal Kingdom will do (we also tested Trader Joe's Gummy Tummy Penguins).

Time to select your booze. You could go in many, many directions here. Rum was an obvious choice because, c'mon, Rummy Bears were too good to deny. Let your bar shelf inspire you: try gin, tequila, vodka, Campari, whiskey..

Pour enough liquid over the gummies to completely immerse and cover them, with a little liquid peeking out on top.

How long should they infuse? Many sources suggest three to four days in the fridge.

We left them sitting out on the countertop and after a few hours, their little bear bellies swelled up and they already tasted pretty boozy. Between five to eight hours was the sweet spot for us to achieve the best squish.

The bears will lose their firm chew and take on a texture of jiggly Jell-O. They should still be pleasantly squishy, not liquefied.

Over-infuse them and they'll just become a gelatinous mess of bear ooze.

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